Ok, so I'm going to try giving this blogging thing a go. I think I need to come up with a cool, catchy signing off phrase for my posts.

#Way of the wild at heart update
I hope to expand them rapidly over the next couple of weeks, and then will steadily update them with thoughts that appear on the blog and considerations gleaned from the comments of you, my readers. If these pages interest you, please check back regularly. I have a couple of tabs up there to begin adding to regarding current projects which are in a early developmental stage, including my Bible project and the screenplay for the David trilogy. With Girded Sword is also the name of my company which covers all my Christian and health related projects. "With Girded Sword" will be essentially a statement of how I see the current state of the world, the church and what I see needs to be done, and how I will be setting about to do my part, and what I see others can do, also. that = a picture, right?), and some more specific details in "About Me". and like I won't have to eat for a month -)Īnyways, have a look at the pages up the top where you'll find out an overall self-portrait in "Who Am I?" (I may have even used 1000 words. My previous personal best was 14, and the restaurant record was 15. I managed to down 17 large pieces of deep pan (really thick, not fake thick) pizza last night. I think I found a use for twitter :-) I can use twitter and facebook to attract people to this blog who might be interested in the projects I am working on.Ībout the pizza.

It was great to share our ideas and he mentioned the possibilities for a blog to popularise certain projects. In another show of how much we think alike, he told me he was thinking of starting a blog to sort out his own thoughts. I was speaking to my best friend last night over all-you-can-eat pizza. The website will really become a more formal place for me to begin launching my projects from, so for now this blog is sufficient.
#Way of the wild at heart software
Might be a while before I start up my own website, but I obtained some software to start toying with. Well, I've managed to add some pages to my blog and it's shaping up to what I hoped it might become. I will be updating this blog with postcards of my nostalgic journey to recapture the infatuation of my spiritual youth. I will re-read these others until I have finished PDL. I will accompany this with the first four books of the New Testament in my revised ordering - Mark, Matthew, Luke and Acts. I will be couple this with "Steps to Christ", a more maturely written starter book. I will begin with the most basic, "breast-milk" book I have ever read in my journey - "The Purpose Driven Life" 40-day devotional. What better time than the beginning of the vernal season, with its ensuing springtide of birth and reincarnation in nature to synchronise my own emerging renaissance from the harsh winter of formalism and apathy. Only then can I have the divine impress upon my character and charter. Only then can I be sure of my bearing in my other projects in life. I need to get back to the wilderness - to the way of the wild heart. To understand more fully the character of God, rather than for my usual polemic purposes. I hope to actually stick to reading "My Utmost for His Highest," and above all, I will re-read through Scripture with a new objective. At the same time, I will add new and more mature reading to my list. Books such as "The Purpose Driven Life," "Steps to Christ," "Wild at Heart," "Waking the Dead," "Desire of Ages," and others which captured my heart and head with the ideas of Who God is and who I am and what my role is in the tapestry of life. I will use the tools that first led me to a love of Christ, some of which I know to be inferior to other material out there, but which, in their simplicity, have a capacity to blow upon the smouldering embers of my once raging fire. I need to factor this into the treatment. Yet I am different now to what I was like then - hardened, seasoned, less innocent. I will take a repeat journey to the steps I took during the honeymoon period. If I have left my first love, I have to rediscover it. It can be easy for the trials of life to take your eyes of Jesus, as when Peter looked from the Saviour to the waves as he walked on the water. I don't have the first love I had when I truly encountered Jesus. I haven't been tolerant of evil people, but I have tolerated evil compromise in my own life - my own heart and actions. While there may be a stretch in some of these words (hard work/patient endurence) application to myself, I believe they do apply as to the best of my ability in recent times.

I have recently taken these words from Revelation 2:2-5 to heart. Turn back to me again and work as you did at first."